Short of the Week

Comedy Dave Green

Ham Sandwich

A magical ham sandwich transports a schlub on an adventure through time.

Comedy Dave Green

Ham Sandwich

A magical ham sandwich transports a schlub on an adventure through time.

Ham Sandwich

Directed By Dave Green
Produced By Atom Films
Made In USA

Hot on the heels of the internet release of his uproarious talking-food comedy Meltdown, Dave Green’s rumored ham sandwich followup is here—the cleverly titled, Ham Sandwich!

It’s not a sequel, there is no talking food this time, but maybe it can be part 2 of movement of films exploring themes of ham sandwichness.  In this film we have a schlub of an intern who is beaten down in almost all his daily interactions. Enter into his life the titular lunch item, which possesses the peculiar power of sending him farther back in time with each bite.

This is an Atom Films original short, and where Meltdown was delightfully amateurish looking, this is a pretty slick piece that is equal in production value to what you would see on TV. It’s quite impressive, and, after having ignored Atom Films for a while since getting folded into Comedy Central and switching to a pure comedy format, I’m intrigued to see more of these web-exclusives they’ve been producing. Hooking up with Dave Green was obviously a good call, as Ham Sandwich is really funny use of 7min. Check it out.

Comedy Elise Simoulin & 5 Others


A little cat with anger issues makes an unexpected encounter in the woods that will help him grow, change his life and teach him ukulele.