Short of the Week

Sci-Fi Jamin Winans


An angelic DJ is sent to remix a series of unfortunate events with the use of his trusty wheels of steel.

Sci-Fi Jamin Winans


An angelic DJ is sent to remix a series of unfortunate events with the use of his trusty wheels of steel.


Directed By Jamin Winans
Made In USA

In Spin, an angelic DJ is sent to a busy city block to mend a tragic accident only to find deeper issues bubbling beneath the surface. Using his “wheels of steel” to turn back time, the DJ finds that solving one problem creates another. When every element is brought in sync, a brilliant harmony emerges.

Director, Jamin Winans, not only wrote and directed the short but also composed the score. This is one of those films that’s fun to watch—a real good, feel good film.

Spin had little success in festivals until it clicked with online audiences opening up its acceptance into 50+ festivals—proof that online distribution can be a very effective way to get a film off the ground.

Comedy Tyler Glodt


Set in a parallel universe where the sexual bias favors homosexuals, Eric, a struggling heterosexual, admits himself into a straight conversion camp.