Beginning a new relationship can be tough, tougher still when you’re not who you once were and your ex’s Fall (particularly derogatory) and Winter (quite competitive) live with Him and constantly weigh in on the snow cone conversions he has with She. Confused?
The Autobiography of Tom Stern, Chapter Six: The New Science wastes no time easing into the story but instead plunges head first into the world of Him and his likes illustrated with rapid fire stills. If you had more time to decompress on the journey from here to the world of Tom Stern you might feel that there was a danger of the dialogue being too hip, “And then, which is now, I want to leave you,” or the caped fight scene overly quirky, but the thing is, it somehow isn’t which is a mighty hard trick to pull off.
Perhaps it’s the clean unfussed look of The New Science coupled with Sean Foley’s (as Tom Stern) direct to camera delivery that sells this off-kilter world just as convincingly as Hal Hartly having Martin Donovan break into dance mid-scene.
Director Tom Stern was awarded Best of 2007 in Microcinema International’s Independent Exposure touring series for the New Science and has made the jump to features with his indie debut This is a Business. The New Science is but a single chapter from an ongoing autobiography of Tom Stern, according to the man himself. Me only wishes that He would hurry up to make more for We to watch.