Short of the Week

Experimental Igor Zimmermann


Gorgeous images grace this mood piece, created for the runway of Beckmans fashion designer Sarah Törnqvist

Experimental Igor Zimmermann


Gorgeous images grace this mood piece, created for the runway of Beckmans fashion designer Sarah Törnqvist
Horror Jess O'Kane

Girl at Party

A mysterious and otherworldly teenage girl confronts the limits of her power when she meets a boy at a house party.


Directed By Igor Zimmermann
Made In

I feel we all know each other well enough here that I can share a confession with you. I like, no love and adore, pretty things, and that filters right down to my taste in films. Of course we all care greatly about a film being well written, laying out an engaging story. But every now and then I like to gorge myself with a feast for the eyes, and when it comes along with some bubbling contemplations for the mind all the better. Which is why I was pleased beyond belief to find Igor Zimmermann’s site, and to stay on topic, film Daylight through the cultural masterminds at Who Killed Bambi?

Before you can even get through to watch Daylight the site hits you up with a snippet of an electric loungecore version of Yesterday, over the picture of a crystal finned model staring off into the middle distance; that’s the point he pretty much had me.

I don’t know much about the details of the film or the man himself for that matter (his site is one of the sparsest I’ve seen) outside of what’s written below it: “A film created for the runway of Beckmans fashion designer Sarah Törnqvist. Based upon her themes of sadness, insomnia and disconnect from reality.”

The film’s approach of featuring lone models placed in stark muted spaces, which are gradually filled with light is haunting and pretty much compels you to paint a world around them based on the little you know. Also the cinematography by Marcus Palmqvist and Martin Steinberg is lusciously combined with jump cuts and speed ramps. A part of my brain couldn’t shake the feeling (or hope?) I was seeing sections from a new Vincent Gallo or Gus Van Sant film.

While you’re on Igor’s site take some time to explore his other pieces. I’m trying to find a way to have him style my life.


Documentary Alan Spearman

As I Am

Chris Dean’s heart stopped when he was two. When Chris was five, his father was murdered, riddled by more than 20 bullets in a gang shootout. Chris is a poetic observer with much to say about life in South Memphis.