Short of the Week

Action Robin King

Ten Thousand Pictures of You

A photographer gets revenge on her celebrity boyfriend in this stop-motion that blurs the bounds of reality.

Action Robin King

Ten Thousand Pictures of You

A photographer gets revenge on her celebrity boyfriend in this stop-motion that blurs the bounds of reality.

Ten Thousand Pictures of You

Directed By Robin King
Produced By UK Film Council
Made In UK

For those without love, there is nothing more annoying about today than all those happy couples rubbing that fact in your face. Especially if you’ve been recently burnt. Been there, done that, so I apologize.  For all of you scarred by Cupid’s punctures,  a companion to our Valentine’s day offering of A Short Love Story in Stop Motion—another stop-motion, Ten Thousand Pictures of You.

Given the 3-minute runtime, Ten Thousand Pictures of You is probably not an accurate title, but a ton of work definitely was put in. Shot with live-actors, a woman recently dumped by her celeb boyfriend embarks on a mission of revenge that crosses time-space and 2D/3D boundaries. Extremely inventive piece by Robin King,

Robin King also was featured on DN ep 35