Short of the Week

Documentary Jonathan Jarvis

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

Millions have turned to this film to understand the complexities of the economic recession explained in the simplest form.

Documentary Jonathan Jarvis

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

Millions have turned to this film to understand the complexities of the economic recession explained in the simplest form.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

Directed By Jonathan Jarvis
Made In USA

Vimeo looks like it might be joining Twitter in the mainstream limelight, as this Slate article could portend a coming zeitgeist for our beloved video site. Hopefully Vimeo can maintain its quality and community feel, though with this video, The Crisis of Credit Visualized, burning up the site to the tune of 1.5 million views in just 2 months online, the argument can be made that Vimeo has already blown up.

Farhad Manjoo makes some fine selections in the article and picked off this one from my review queue. Since I keep up on this financial stuff quite a bit, I’m always having a lot of my friends asking me to explain the roots of what’s going on. For the last couple of weeks I’ve just been pointing them to this video. Congratulations to Jonathan Jarvis for the success it’s had, but mostly we should thank him for performing an invaluable public service.

Horror Natalie Erika James

Drum Wave

With her Horror feature 'Relic' announcing her as an exciting new talent in the genre, we take a look at Natalie Erika James' 2018 short 'Drum Wave'