Short of the Week

Experimental Alex Roman

The Third and the Seventh

Alex Roman invites us into a surreal world of architecture and light with his stunning mastery of CG.

Experimental Alex Roman

The Third and the Seventh

Alex Roman invites us into a surreal world of architecture and light with his stunning mastery of CG.

The Third and the Seventh

Directed By Alex Roman
Made In Spain

It blew up last week after Motionographer blogged it, but through teasers and stills it would be in error to say it hadn’t been anticipated. The reason? CG so fine it’s starting flamewars over whether it’s all CG or not. Supposedly it is, with behind the wireframes to prove it, all done by a single person—Alex Roman, aka Jorge Seva of Spain.

There isn’t any plot, but the film is quite the eye candy. It is the Avatar of the unheralded archviz genre, a video design niche that produces visualizations of architectural projects for firms and developers. Alex Roman, dismayed with the clunky and rote nature of the work he and his colleagues produce, decided, on his own time, to create this work—a more artistic and soulful exploration of architectural design exploiting the freedom of 3D virtual space, treating us, the viewer, to a new and magnificent way of appreciating the one of the most heralded of arts. The somewhat ambiguous title refers to a philosophy of aesthetics that proclaims architecture and cinema as the third and seventh pillars of art respectively. Alex Roman details a little bit more about his unique approach here.

Documentary Mickey Duzyj

The Shining Star of Losers Everywhere

In 2003, Japan was plunged into economic darkness, and its people needed a ray of hope. They found one in Haru Urara, a racehorse with a pink Hello Kitty mask and a career-long losing streak.