Short of the Week

Documentary Vance Malone


Ocular artist, Fred Harwin, crafts realistic-looking eyes for those who've lost theirs.

Documentary Vance Malone


Ocular artist, Fred Harwin, crafts realistic-looking eyes for those who've lost theirs.


Directed By Vance Malone
Made In USA

In keeping with the Sundance theme, this film is a documentary that was well-received at the 2003 festival. It is a portrait of Fred Harwin, who straddles the Art/Science divide in his line of work—fashioning realistic fake eyes. The film is interesting, though not recommended for the squeamish. Nothing imaged is really any more traumatic than putting in contacts, but it looks a thousand times worse!

Speaking of looks, the film has a very slick aesthetic in its shooting style and edit. There is a dynamic tension in the quick cutting and juxtaposition of close-ups with wider shots, complemented by a propulsive soundtrack. Though a small story, it is not an amateur production. Vance Malone of Station Film is the director and is a veteran filmmaker with many commercials and shorts to his credit. He’s back at Sundance this year with his new short The Poodle Trainer.

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