Short of the Week

The Banker

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Directed By Hattie Dalton
Made In Australia
You don’t come across the winners of big, big awards on online sojourns often. DVD compilations and the omnipresent Shorts International seem to suck them up. I consider BAFTA to be one of those big awards incidentally, and this film won it in 2005. The subject matter of the short might have something to do with this state of affairs. Written and directed by Australian Hattie Dalton, the film follows the machinations and unrequited love of a technician at a sperm donation center. By American standards the film is a little racy,  lots of masturbation is pantomimed and that is only the beginning of the creepiness. Be forewarned. Couldn’t see Oscar touching this one, but Oscar is kinda lame (come on, it’s true). Dalton’s is back on the festival circuit this summer with her feature film debut, Third Star. If you like The Banker, look for it near you. Watch The Banker at:   MemoryBox via XXcinema
Sci‑Fi Moe Charif

Human Revolution - Deus Ex

This slick and anticipated fan film is based on the video game Deus Ex Human Revolution.