Short of the Week

Documentary Patrick Clair

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

Warfare is entering a digital generation. In this infographics piece from down under we learn about one of the scariest new viruses out there.

Documentary Patrick Clair

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

Warfare is entering a digital generation. In this infographics piece from down under we learn about one of the scariest new viruses out there.

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

Directed By Patrick Clair
Produced By Zapruder's Other Films
Made In Australia

Stumbled across this today in my Vimeo inbox. A very cool motion graphics piece that is “An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code.” Our Facebook fans seemed to respond well to it, so I thought I’d put it up as a Short of the Moment.

It’s a good-looking piece, though as an info-graphic I think it suffers from trying to depict a rather abstract concept. However that concept is truly and deeply fascinating…but also rather disturbing =(.  might have been better off in my ignorance…oh well, a great way to spend 3 minutes.

Produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia’s ABC1 by  the outfit Zapruder’s Other Films.

Documentary Ed Perkins

Black Sheep

Scared for her son's safety, Cornelius’ mother moves their family out of London and on to a white estate ran by a racist gang.