Short of the Week


Brutal Relax

On this Labor Day I hope your holiday goes better than Señor Olivares'. While trying to relax on the beach, Sea Monsters come to slaughter everyone.


Brutal Relax

On this Labor Day I hope your holiday goes better than Señor Olivares'. While trying to relax on the beach, Sea Monsters come to slaughter everyone.

Brutal Relax

Made In Spain

Holy Moly! This be insane. A group of Spanish filmmakers have upped the ante with Brutal Relax, a charming example of slapstick schlocky horror.

José M Angorrilla plays Señor Olivares, a guy who seems…just a bit off. His shrink advises him to take a vacation. Soon we see our hero at the beach, oblivious to the sights and sounds of the young and the good-looking as they frolic. Well at least until sea monsters emerge from the foam to rip everybody to shreds. At that point Señor Olivares bursts into manly action!

The kookiness of the the setup, and especially Angorilla’s deadpan and affected performance are surely winning, but the real star is a huge fight scene on the beach with gore galore. The team utilizes a bit of post-production FX but the vast majority is good old fashioned practical effects, and the results are gleefully nuts. Its fun to see talented horror technicians have fun with their art, and in this film they turn dial up on both gore and ridiculousness to the proverbial “11”.

There isn’t much information online about the film, and really I don’t have much to say about it either, other than this is one of the more enjoyably twisted horror or action shorts I’ve had the chance to see. Check it out!



Documentary Tord Theodor Olsen

The Heart Followers

Inside a glass dome in Northern Norway, lives a family of five. In the inhospitable Arctic climate they have found their unique way of life.