Short of the Week


ZombinLaden—The Axis of Evil Dead

He's back. And someone is going to have to kill him...again.

ZombinLaden—The Axis of Evil Dead

Produced By Mork Studio
Made In France

Fake horror and grindhouse trailers emerged as a pretty fun little subgenre when Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez hosted a competition for the opening of their feature double-bill Grindhouse. Jason Eisener (Treevenge) made a cool one call Hobo With a Shotgun that he later turned into an actual feature. ZOMBINLADEN is the best damned one I’ve ever seen though. Topical, subversive, gory and funny as hell, this is disgusting, goofy perfection. And, at 4min, it has enough plot development and cool footage that I don’t even have to feel guilty about featuring it on our “short film” website.

French production-house Mork-Studio is responsible. Oh god, I hope this becomes a real film.