Short of the Week

Adventure Jillian Mayer & 3 Others

Adventures of Chris Bosh in the Multiverse

The true story behind how the Miami Heat won the NBA title in 2012 despite one of their star players being an interstellar prince who was called away to do battle with evil foes bent on finally making the Internet completely useless.

Adventure Jillian Mayer & 3 Others

Adventures of Chris Bosh in the Multiverse

The true story behind how the Miami Heat won the NBA title in 2012 despite one of their star players being an interstellar prince who was called away to do battle with evil foes bent on finally making the Internet completely useless.

Adventures of Chris Bosh in the Multiverse

I’m not going to pretend to be able to distill Adventures of Chris Bosh in the Multiverse into a coherent thesis about anything really. It is a silly, chaotic but deeply lovable mess—Saturday morning cartoons run through an Adult Swim aesthetic, set in a internet-meme world where gifs are the dominant form. There is a lot going on, and on the first few viewings at least, I think it is perfectly ok to enjoy the film for its delightful surface values of WTF absurdity, and shiny, flashing color.

And now, the world gets that chance. Just in time for the NBA playoffs, the film emerges from legal purgatory to take the internet by storm, after debuting at the Borscht Film Festival in November. If you don’t know Borscht, well, you should. They are a creative collective out of Florida that is very trickily combining pastiche driven meme-culture and traditional, high-brow filmmaking. They’ve  taken a film to Sundance each of the previous 2 years, and ringleaders Lucas Leyva and Jillian Mayers were on last years Filmmaker Magazine 25. I have a lot to say about them and especially their unique collaborative filmmaking model which sees them inviting indie-world luminaries to Florida to collaborate on short-form projects, but let’s save that for an upcoming article. In the meantime, Bosh is ridiculous weird, but stupendously fun. I can’t recommend enough.