Short of the Week

Thriller Tyler Hynes


Hot on the heels of similarly-themed AMC show Mr. Robot, Tyler Hynes' AFK_ is a thrilling short set in the world of computer hacking, featuring an anti-hero looking to change the world through his internet connection.

Thriller Tyler Hynes


Hot on the heels of similarly-themed AMC show Mr. Robot, Tyler Hynes' AFK_ is a thrilling short set in the world of computer hacking, featuring an anti-hero looking to change the world through his internet connection.


Directed By Tyler Hynes
Made In USA

Hot on the heels of similarly-themed AMC show Mr. Robot, Tyler Hynes’ AFK_ is a short film set in the world of computer hacking, featuring an anti-hero looking to change the world through his internet connection. Boasting an aesthetic that wouldn’t feel out-of-place on the television screen and an action-packed, globe-trotting storyline that defies its tight 15-minute run-time, Hynes’ short is undoubtedly out to grab the attention of all that view it.

Written, directed and starring Hynes, AFK_ may be a little clichéd, a little over-the-top and a little cheesy – but there’s no denying the entertainment value here. It’s a film of outstanding production values, with some sterling FX work and an ambitious storyline for its duration. Jumping from China to Iran to Sweden, AFK_’s international narrative features set-ups that you would expect to find in a big-budget blockbuster and that seems like that’s the kind of audience Hynes is aiming for here. Dark, thrilling and moody, it feels as if the filmmaker has taken a pinch of Fincher, a pinch of Palahniuk and blended it into his own storytelling, to create an intriguing introduction to a universe I’m sure he’ll be hoping to expand upon.

Shunning the festival route to release his film directly online, Hynes revealed (when announcing the film on Facebook) that he believed “a show about the internet should go straight to the Internet”. Although feeling like an extended trailer for a film/TV series or a pilot for a show Hynes wants commissioned, AFK_ still manages to be tense, gripping and intriguing – with the story managing to feel both well-rounded and open to further exploration. Only time will tell if we do see more from the universe – if you’re reading Mr Hynes – be sure to keep us updated.

Documentary John Summerson


A group of twenty-somethings, coping with the sudden loss of a close friend, do the only thing that makes sense to them in their time of grief: they put on a play.