Short of the Week

Experimental Frédéric Doazan


A plastic surgeon creates in real time, the new goddess of beauty.

Experimental Frédéric Doazan


A plastic surgeon creates in real time, the new goddess of beauty.


Directed By Frédéric Doazan
Produced By
Made In France

Inspired by plastic surgery disasters, Frédéric Doazan’s Photoshop masterpiece Supervenus is a cutting (literally) portrayal of modern beauty standards and how they’ve evolved throughout the years. Opening with a medical illustration of a ‘Femme Adulte’, this 3-minute animation takes its viewers on a humorous and horrific journey, as we witness the female body transformed beyond all recognition by the hands of an unseen surgeon.

A film that obviously contains a strong message about how beauty is portrayed in the media, Supervenus is a short that cleverly employs one of the leading tools of the trade, when it comes to photo manipulation, to get its point across. Creating his film using Photoshop, along with After Effects and a home-made green screen (to film his hands), director Doazan explains his process in an interview with Julia Young on Skwigly:

I started manipulating an old anatomy illustration in Photoshop and became a virtual cosmetic surgeon. I didn’t have a complete concept or a clear preconceived idea of what I wanted it to be when I started. I was just playing spontaneously in Photoshop, enjoying it, trying things. Step by step, I transformed this standard illustration into an iconic plastic beauty falling into pieces”.

Update: For more behind-the-scenes info on the creation of Supervenus, check out Frédéric’s Making-of video on Vimeo.

We’ve added Supervenus to the ‘Experimental’ category here on Short of the Week, but Doazan’s film could have easily been just as at home in the ‘Horror’ section of our site. In just under 3-minutes the French director’s film provides a shocking, unforgettable and all-too-relevant view of how pressures have influenced body image standards – perfect viewing for Valentines Day weekend 😉

Documentary Carlos Gómez Salamanca


This film is based on real events. In December 2011, a watchman was attacked by a pack of more than 20 stray dogs wandering in a poor neighbourhood on the outskirts of Bogotá.