Short of the Week

Fantasy Fredrik S. Hana

Sister Hell

A reclusive nun is tempted to leave the monastery to pursue her dream of becoming a curvy, voluptuous woman in Fredrik S. Hana's 15-min short full of outrageous characters, practical FX and buckets of WTF

Fantasy Fredrik S. Hana

Sister Hell

A reclusive nun is tempted to leave the monastery to pursue her dream of becoming a curvy, voluptuous woman in Fredrik S. Hana's 15-min short full of outrageous characters, practical FX and buckets of WTF

Sister Hell

Directed By Fredrik S. Hana
Made In Norway

A Norwegian NSFW Nunsploitation isn’t exactly something that comes your way every day, so when it does you need to grab it by its devil horns and just enjoy the ride…and what a ride it is! The tale of a nun tired of the monotony of her monastery life, who ventures out in the sinful world beyond its walls to fulfill her dreams of becoming a surgically-enhanced voluptuous woman, Fredrik S. Hana’s Sister Hell is a film that easily lives up to the expectations of its attention-grabbing title.

Described as a short which ‘sports a series of outrageous characters, practical FX and buckets of WTF’, that feels like a blend of ‘Ken Russell and John Waters’, there’s no denying that Sister Hell’s main aim is to shock and surprise. Pointing a tongue-in-cheek look at religion and modern beauty standards, Hana’s 15-minute film is a heady mix of sex, violence, and romance (sort of!) that lives up to its ambitious premise with some sterling production values and showstopping scenes.

One for the Short of the Week fans who enjoyed our previously featured practical-FX driven Horror shorts (like Bad Guy #2 or Waterborne), Sister Hell certainly isn’t a short for the weak stomached. Winner of the ‘Best Horror Short’ award at Fantastic Fest 2015, Hana’s short is aimed at those most hardcore genre fans with a love for an inventive and surprising storyline…and a little bit of fake blood.

Documentary Charlie Lyne

Lasting Marks

The story of sixteen men put on trial for sadomasochism in the dying days of Thatcher's Britain was told by the police, the prosecution and the tabloid press — but not by those in the dock.