Short of the Week

Comedy Georgia Kriss


Lovers of short film and dogs will be equally happily with Georgia Kriss' 4-minute animation 'Hound', which combines outstanding design with hilarious, surreal vignettes starring our four-legged friends.

Comedy Georgia Kriss


Lovers of short film and dogs will be equally happily with Georgia Kriss' 4-minute animation 'Hound', which combines outstanding design with hilarious, surreal vignettes starring our four-legged friends.


Directed By Georgia Kriss
Made In Australia

From dogs in giant spider costumes to dogs who can say “I Love You”, the internet loves watching videos of “man’s best-friend”. Tapping into this appreciation for canine comedy and taking it to the next level is Melbourne-based animator/illustrator Georgia Kriss. In creating her 4-minute film Hound Kriss has made lovers of short film and dogs equally happily by combining outstanding animation design with hilarious, surreal vignettes starring our four-legged friends.

With humans very much playing a supporting role here (they are often depicted faceless or cleverly positioned just out-of-shot), the focus is very much on our canine companions in Hound. Feeling more like a dog-centred sketch show, than a short with a cohesive narrative, Kriss’ film takes recognisable characteristics of particular breeds and exaggerates them with hilarious effect.

Created as her graduation film from the Animation and Interactive Media course at RMIT University, Hound is full of the qualities needed to make a short film successful online. Story might be absent, but entertainment, style and humour is abundant and it’s a film that deserves many viewings to truly appreciate just how great it is.

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