Short of the Week

Dark Comedy Andrew Chaplin

1500 Words

When Stanley Franks is told he has 1500 words left to live, he faces a battle to keep both his marriage and himself alive using the fewest words possible.

Dark Comedy Andrew Chaplin

1500 Words

When Stanley Franks is told he has 1500 words left to live, he faces a battle to keep both his marriage and himself alive using the fewest words possible.

1500 Words

Directed By Andrew Chaplin
Made In UK

Surprisingly for a man who spends a large majority of his time writing, I’ve never been a man of many words. Growing-up my nickname for a while was Silent Bob (along with Spanish Bob & Liability Bob – but that’s another story), so in the hugely unlikely event that I found myself in the situation of the protagonist of Andrew Chaplin’s 1500 Words (who has a limited word count before his time is up), I’d probably view it as an extension period, instead of the death sentence it is.

The tale of a man who is told he has only 1500 words left to live, Chaplin’s film feels like one which could go in one of two directions – pull on the heart strings or tickle the funny bones – but in actuality, it sits somewhere in-between. Blending dark humour with moments of real tenderness, 1500 Words may well spend a lot of its time attempting to make you chuckle, but what truly resonates and leaves its mark, is its underlying emotive core.

Driven by a deadpan voiceover from the brilliant Michael Smiley and some strong on-screen performances, take into consideration the excellent concept at the heart of 1500 Words and Chaplin’s film feels like one that just couldn’t fail. It’s charming, it’s funny, it’s heartbreaking – what more could you want?

Since touring festival with 1500 Words, Chaplin has gone on to make the excellent 5-part sitcom Witless for the BBC.

Sci‑Fi Faye Gilbert

The Line

A teenage girl and young boy run for their lives to cross ‘The Line’, but are they running away from danger or towards it?