Short of the Week

Drama Shaya Mulcahy

F is for Friendship

Emily decides to air out some dirty laundry and brave the scrutiny of a catty dinner party to win back her name.

Drama Shaya Mulcahy

F is for Friendship

Emily decides to air out some dirty laundry and brave the scrutiny of a catty dinner party to win back her name.

F is for Friendship

Directed By Shaya Mulcahy
Made In USA

In an era when exploitation is sexy and outrageous sexploits are considered delicious, Shaya Mulcahy’s short film about a down-and-out young writer leaves you thirsty for more. Edgy and stylish as hell, watch two women duke it out over a dinner party in a film appropriately named F is for Friendship.

Much like how reality television may suck you in, Mulcahy’s ability to engage her audience with juicy drama is admirable. Despite a comparison that may turn you off, there’s no question that Mulcahy’s writing is sophisticated in both its humor and portrayal of catty female relationships. It’s clear that you will be rooting for Emily as she literally and metaphorically airs out her dirty laundry in a quest to regain her good name.

What makes Mulcahy’s protagonist so compelling is how her self-perception changes the more she engages with both friend and foe, namely her nemesis’ fiancé Eddie – our would-be knight. Emily’s interaction with this character leads her to her own enlightenment on the road to self-discovery. Watching Emily grow from a self-loathing individual to a self-accepting one sparks a rare sense of empowerment in both her audience on and off screen. 

Identity at its foundation, F is for Friendship is so complexly layered with life lessons, that it’s hard to not feel delighted by the film’s end. We learn that truth wins out, keeping friends is harder than making them, and that we can’t love ourselves until we accept ourselves. Mulcahy puts it simply, “This film was inspired by real life. I want to be myself around my friends.” A powerful and surprisingly juicy watch, this short is a must-see.

Mulcahy is currently shooting a feature proof of concept for a sequel to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and we definitely look forward to its completion!

Comedy Ryan Turner

A Date in 2025

In the year 2025, ​a young man's superintelligent AI system tells him that he must go on a date or face certain suicide from loneliness.