Short of the Week

Dark Comedy Sean Buckelew

I Am A Robot

A roomba with a foot fetish, a self-driving car that hits people on purpose, and a supercomputer that wants to kill us all.

Dark Comedy Sean Buckelew

I Am A Robot

A roomba with a foot fetish, a self-driving car that hits people on purpose, and a supercomputer that wants to kill us all.

I Am A Robot

Directed By Sean Buckelew
Produced By Jeanette Jeanenne
Made In USA

From the isolating impact the internet has had on society to the “inevitability and convenience” of destructive machines, Sean Buckelew has made his cynical view of technology very clear in his filmmaking. Returning to S/W just a year after featuring his last film, Drone, the filmmaker is back with a new tech-focused short, I Am A Robot, a triptych of stories delving into the darkest thoughts of your household smart objects.

In his trio of tales exploring the inner workings of autonomous machines, Buckelew introduces us to a foot-loving vacuum cleaner, takes us for a ride with a “self-loving” self-driving car, and lets us share in the humiliation of a supercomputer. Comedy is central, with humour punctuating the narrative throughout. However, the film’s aim remains clear: the writer/director encourages us to question the role of technology in our lives, rather than taking it for granted.


“I love them so much, I would literally do anything for them” – an autonomous vacuum cleaner confesses its love for its owners

Speaking to Buckelew last year, for Directors Notes, I asked him about his fascination with technology in his storytelling and the director was keen to point out that his most recent films are more about how these devices “function in our daily lives”. Believing it to be “more fun to unpack the unintended consequences than the utopian intent”, he uses his narratives to show how “technology, at its worst, is just a reflection of our own fears, insecurities, and worst impulses”.

A three time S/W alum, a writer/producer on Joe Bennett and Charles Huettner’s HBO Max series Scavengers Reign (based on S/W pick Scavengers), President/Lead Programmer at the GLAS Animation Festival, Buckelew is a key figure in the independent animation scene and a filmmaker we’ve been proud to champion for over 10yrs now. With the unexpected release of I Am A Robot online last week (May 20, 2024), a new Buckelew joint is always a reason for excitement at S/W HQ and once again his work doesn’t disappoint.

Sci‑Fi Mark Slutsky

Final Offer

A down-on-his-luck lawyer awakes in a doorless room to find he's been selected to negotiate on behalf of the human race.