Short of the Week

Documentary Henry Davis

Exit 238

Each year, the early weeks of fall bring a natural phenomenon to the Capital Plaza shopping center in Austin, Texas. Shoppers, employees, passersby, young families and avid birdwatchers, alike, all gather to marvel at the communal migratory roosting of tens of thousands of Purple Martins as they journey along their migratory path to Brazil.

Documentary Henry Davis

Exit 238

Each year, the early weeks of fall bring a natural phenomenon to the Capital Plaza shopping center in Austin, Texas. Shoppers, employees, passersby, young families and avid birdwatchers, alike, all gather to marvel at the communal migratory roosting of tens of thousands of Purple Martins as they journey along their migratory path to Brazil.

Exit 238

Directed By Henry Davis
Made In USA

For a few weeks each year, the parking lot of a strip mall in Austin becomes a stage for Mother Nature. Thousands of Purple Martins, on their migratory route to Brazil, create a majestic ballet that birdwatchers flock together to witness. In Exit 238, director Henry Davis takes us to the Capital Plaza shopping center parking lot at dusk, immersing us in the vibrant energy shared by birdwatchers, shoppers, and employees alike.

“I started asking questions and let those interactions and answers guide the way the film was told” 

It was randomly that Davis stumbled upon the spectacle of thousands of birds flying together above the small in his neighborhood. Immediately taken by the scene in the sky and the diversity of the community present to see it unfold, he returned with his camera over the next few days.  Looking to capture another side of Nature’s beauty, and the community’s engagement with it it is quite easy to understand how Davis found the scene inspiring. Its cinematic quality is undeniable.

“I started asking questions and let those interactions and answers guide the way the film was told”, Davis shared with us. Through brief interviews, we meet a variety of people – some who actively seek out the event, kids on shift at nearby stores, those that are very knowledgeable, and others simply there to witness such a visually powerful and impressive moment. Davis paints a vivid picture of the community, immersing us in it through his film.

Exit 238 Henry Davis

While gathering to watch the migrating Purple Martins, some take to entertaining theirselves.

Davis’ cinematography and Alex Winker’s edit combine to create a strong sense of place, blending elements of both the wildlife and observational documentary. This approach allowing the audience of Exit 238 the unique opportunity to experience birdwatching and people-watching from the comfort of our seats. The composition of the shots is truly impressive, capturing the beauty of thousands of birds flying together against the dusk sky. By placing humans in the midst of this natural spectacle, Davis adds a hint of sarcasm and irony to his short, while also addressing issues of light pollution. With just the right number of participants and effective editing, we are provided the perfect amount of time with this community to build an emotional attachment.

With its online debut as a Vimeo Staff PickExit 238 was also part of the Texas program at the 2023 edition of SXSW.

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