Gary’s mundane existence as a campus security guard is about to change after he stumbles upon a viral video online, triggering a manic episode that unleashes his wildest side. Co-directed by Nolan Sordyl and Cody McGlashan – also credited as the lead actor, writer, editor and a producer – Gary Screams For You is an incredibly original film, which offers its audiences a unique sense of satisfaction by allowing its main protagonist to go completely berserk.
“Madness, absolute madness”
Defined by its writer as “equal parts psychedelic noir and mental health comedy”, Gary Screams For You takes us on a wild descent into madness along with its titular protagonist. However, upon finishing the film, any audience member would agree that there are many convoluted layers here. The short transcends a simple depiction of a psychotic episode, offering complex ramifications beyond a straightforward story of undiagnosed mental illness.
“Madness, absolute madness” are the first words McGlashan used to describe the inspiration behind the film. But, ultimately, the filmmakers aim here was to craft a “stirring, complex, cutting look at our culture’s relationship to mental health, neurodiversity, and why we use words like ‘crazy’ to define things we don’t understand”. Watching how Gary’s weird obsession with the video evolve is not only fascinating, but it also dictates the pacing of the film, with a poignant escalation that heightens the tension. There is humor present in the film, but it is used for the purpose of self-reflection and never directed towards Gary.
The first half of the film relies mostly on the awkwardness of Gary, and his handling of the situation he is in, to allow us to build an emotional connection with him. This sets the stage for the second half, where he breaks free from social rules and starts behaving like a wild animal. Joe Kosty’s cinematography captures this narrative fracture and change of pace, reflecting Gary’s chaotic state of mind with the camera movements and more solemn frame composition. The sound and score also play an integral part in delivering the humorous tone of the film, with its religious range.
With such an ambitious premise, the main performance was key in landing the story, and McGlashan could not have embodied his words in a more striking way. His performance is incredible throughout the film, and not only feels compelling but also sensitive and endearing. It is not often that a role gives an actor the opportunity to play with their body so much, and McGlashan uses it effectively to truly depict the manic episode taking him over. In this film, more than in most, I’d recommend sticking around through the credits, as we get to see Gary on the other side of his episode, trying to process everything that happened.
Ahead of its World Premiere at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, Gary Screams For You was selected at the Cannes Short Film Corner Focus WIP. It went on to be selected at multiple festivals including Fantastic Fest and Slamdance, before its online debut as a Vimeo Staff Pick. The feature version of the film has already been written, so keep an eye out for that!