Short of the Week

Action Fei Chen

Game Show

A mysterious parcel sends a young delivery guy on a chaotic mission to return the package to its rightful owner

Action Fei Chen

Game Show

A mysterious parcel sends a young delivery guy on a chaotic mission to return the package to its rightful owner

Game Show

Directed By Fei Chen
Produced By Zhao Yu
Made In China

Released online as part of Bilibili’s Capsules project — an anthology showcasing Chinese animation — Fei Chen’s Game Show is a high-energy short that follows a delivery guy on a chaotic mission to return a mysterious package to its rightful owner. After discovering that this vibrant, otherworldly box has the power to transport whoever holds it into another dimension, the story quickly descends into an unpredictable chase, as various entities scramble to claim it.

Following a quirky opening that introduces Game Show’s three main characters — nervously sitting in the back of a car alongside three masked, jelly-like figures — we’re abruptly tossed into the whimsical world of neighbourhood cats. While these feline escapades may not directly serve the plot, they perfectly set the tone for what’s to come: a fast-paced, action-packed adventure loaded with humour and chaos. This playful detour provides a glimpse of the film’s offbeat energy, priming the audience for the wild ride ahead.

Game Show Fei Chen

Game Show changes styles many times over its 12-minute duration.

As with many animations of this style, Game Show succeeds through a winning mix of humour, visual flair, and relentless energy. The film’s playful aesthetic fluctuates throughout its packed 12-minute runtime, with standout moments like a Tetris-inspired squeeze onto a crowded bus. The muted, colourless real world the characters inhabit contrasts beautifully with the vivid, chaotic dimension the box transports them into — a juxtaposition that, while familiar, is used to great effect here. Combined with those shifts in animation style, and it all adds up to a truly entertaining viewing experience.

After kaiju battles, run-ins with feline lotharios, and a surprising amount of butt-touching, Chen and his team pull back the curtain to reveal a darker side of their storytelling in Game Show’s final moments. Without spoiling too much, let’s just say there’s no happy ending for this trio — but that twisted finale feels like the perfect note to end on. It not only showcases another layer of Chen’s filmmaking but also leaves you with lingering questions about what comes next. And honestly, isn’t that what a great short should do? Leave you thinking about its characters long after the credits roll.

One of 13 shorts released as part of the second season of Capsules, Game Show stands out for its distinct visual style and offbeat storytelling, especially in a line-up where many films lean toward slick 3D or more traditional 2D animation. If Game Show isn’t quite your cup of tea, definitely check out the rest of the collection — all beautifully compiled over on Catsuka. Some of our other favourites from the two seasons we’ve watched include Tomato Kitchen and Ruthless Blade — well worth a watch!

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