Short of the Week

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    Dark Comedy Gabriel Nóbrega & Lucas René

    La Pursé

    A taxidermist attempts to profess his love for his neighbor - a nearsighted and forgetful woman who owns a scrawny, half-starved cat.

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    Documentary Darcy Prendergast

    Strange Beasts

    During its decade of operation, the Bacchus Marsh Lion Safari was one of Victoria’s most popular tourist attractions... now one of its greatest mysteries.

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    Dark Comedy Grant Curatola

    East End

    The sordid details of a vicious crime are recounted and remixed through the rumor mill of a community gripped by paranoid fear and morbid curiosity.

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    Drama Pulkit Arora


    When a recent widow moves to New Zealand from India, she's forced to confront her grief by completing an ordinary ritual in an extraordinary circumstance: quarantine.

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    Drama Nancy Pettinicchio


    Intrigued and inspired by an unexpected encounter with an older neighbour, Leila spends her last days in the suburbs exploring her identity through nude photography. As she faces her transition to adulthood, Leila is confronted with her changing relationship to her best friend Cassy.

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    Documentary Brad Abrahams

    Telos or Bust

    Ascended masters, new religions, inner earth cities, crystals and lost continents. Immerse yourself in the confluence of strange myths and beliefs of the citizens of Mount Shasta, California.

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    Thriller David Robinson-Smith

    We Used to Own Houses

    A landlord is confronted by one of the many tenants he has evicted.

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    Dark Comedy Sandy Honig

    Caller Number Nine!

    A telemarketer with a severe anger problem accidentally calls into a radio show. He wins a radio contest and enters a standoff with the unhinged host.

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    Dark Comedy Jacob Motz

    Pink Eye

    An alpha female spirals when trying to navigate her challenging calendar while infected by a disgusting case of Pink Eye

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    Documentary Alexandra Kern & Lina Abascal

    Stud Country

    Stud Country, the largest queer country western line dancing event in America, was created to preserve Los Angeles' little known 50+ year queer line dancing tradition. Despite its success and fiercely committed community, the event is set to lose its venue due to gentrification.

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