Heart-broken following a break-up, Martine receives the unexpected visit of her mother, Monique. During this short stay, these two very different women will have one last chance of getting closer to one another before they run out of time.
Heart-broken following a break-up, Martine receives the unexpected visit of her mother, Monique. During this short stay, these two very different women will have one last chance of getting closer to one another before they run out of time.
Julie doesn't fit in at her school. This changes when Emile, an autistic child, joins the class.
A mysterious taxi driver lends a hand to Kaede, a young girl chased by assassins.
A woman wakes in the middle of nowhere with no memory and a man tied up in the back seat. Stranger yet, she finds a tape recorder with her voice on it telling her what to do next.
Congratulations to the three winners of the 2024 Short film Oscars.
Black holes, nuns and Nicholas Cage all feature in this round-up of work from our previously featured filmmakers at this year's SXSW
Following the birth of her baby, Jen's feelings of isolation are palpable.
As high school nears its end, openly queer best friends Cas and Naomi find solace and love in their unique bond - a sanctuary they call their 'chosen family'. But when diverging future paths threaten their inseparable relationship, they grapple with the risk of separation, and Cas must summon the courage to confront the terrifying prospect of solitude.