Short of the Week

  • Play
    Horror Peter Horn & Jared Marshall

    Dark Times

    It's Christmas time and the zombies are out tearing into helpless co-workers in this innovative film shot entirely in the first-person.

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    Horror Jarrett Lee Conaway

    Bite Me

    Zombies are taking over the world but this clueless group of slackers is more interested in video games and the girl next door in this Horror/Comedy.

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    Action Laurent Monneron & 3 Others

    Meet Buck

    Forbidden love sets off a wild chase between a deer-headed teenager and his girlfriend's hunting father in this illustrative, action-packed film from Supinfocom students.

  • Play
    Action Valere Amirault & 3 Others

    8 Bits

    Action-packed homage to the childhood games of yesteryear led by a shirtless avenger in boxers.

  • Festival

    Doorpost Online Film Competition 2010

    The Doorpost Project is the best online film competition out there. I realize that might not be saying much as the web is lousy with short film competitions.

  • News

    The External World: Trailer

    David O'Reilly (the creator behind Please Say Something, one of my favorite films of this year) has a new film The External World that has done well at festivals (Cannes, Sundance). It's not out yet, but this trailer is now up.

  • News

    Soft: Update

    One of my personal favorite shorts, Soft, by British director Simon Ellis has come home to the internet. I reviewed the film in 2008, however the article at that time linked to a pirated copy of the film, and that video was soon taken down.

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    Drama Corrie Jones


    Things get tense as a young boy struggles to accept his father's disability.

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    Experimental Christian Weber


    An experimental look at the beautiful juxtaposition of technology and the body.

  • Branded Content

    Relentless Energy Short Stories

    I watched a ton of skate and surf movie as a kid growing up in the hotbed of alternative sports culture, Southern California. I was an accomplished if not spectacular practitioner of both, and would eat up the opportunity to see new tricks, new athletes, performing at the top of their game, re-watching those VHS tapes to the point of destruction.

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