Short of the Week

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    Music Video Chris Milk

    Who's Gonna Save My Soul

    A harsh breakup served up with a side of brutal honesty and a walking, singing heart that will have you saying, "That's so true."

  • News

    Jossie Malis, Bendito Machine 2 & 3

    Jossie Malis has been hard at work expanding the genius behind his original Bendito Machine to a larger audience. The striking visual style (dark silhouette shapes against brightly colored backgrounds), nuanced animation, and themes of western influence have been brought to 2 more episodes.

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    Action Andrew Young

    The Great Detective

    Our hero faces danger and dames in this classic crime-fighter archetype.

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    Dramedy Wong Wei Jian

    Le Mannequin

    A pair of window mannequins play out a calamitous scene of love on a small stage.

  • News

    100 Important Directors of Animated Short Films

    Nothing excites the internet masses (yours truly included) like a best of list. A new one out lists a bunch of really important animation directors and their representative works.

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    Adventure Shane Acker


    The most acclaimed student work of the decade is this post-apocalyptic CG action short out of UCLA, which won the director the right to adapt it to the big screen.

  • Interview

    Interview with Robin Risser (Solitude)

    How did Solitude come about? Solitude is my thesis project for my degree at ESAG-Penninghen Paris. It's a universal feeling that reaches every one of us at some point of time regardless of religion, language or country.

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    Experimental Robin Risser


    A still photographer steps behind the lens to tell this beautifully-composed story of a man's quest to cure to his lonely existence.

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