Way Home
A dung beetle sets out to roll his prized find back along the long road home.
A dung beetle sets out to roll his prized find back along the long road home.
A fun, simple story of a man's adventure getting home all animated in life-size, stop-motion with real people and bizarre objects.
Looking for shortcuts past traffic, Christine and Leo both drove into an alleyway, only to find themselves stranded in an absurd concrete jungle.
As you might have heard, Cannes is getting underway. While you don't get to see any of the official competition films, Cannes does have this cool thing called the Short Film Corner, which is a get together of short film makers as an adjunct to the festival.
A young boy rides through his memories in this early student-made sci-fi effects film.
At a major moment in her life, a young girl encounters an unknown man outside her house, in this ambiguous, poetic film.
Young girl lives in a fantasy world in this effects-laden film meant to show off Adobe's creative suite.
Bizarre story about two mice by the legendary illustrator, Chris Ware, for This American Life.
This surreal, design-inspired film, blends live-action and animation to illustrate the emotions of new love and heartbreak.
A team of mini-skirt clad crime fighting women take on evil in this Sundance favorite.