Short of the Week

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    Experimental Paul Whittington

    Android 207

    A robot has to make his way through a challenging maze in this black and white stop-motion.

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    Myth Benh Zeitlin

    Glory At Sea

    A hopeful human tale of mythological proportions shot on location in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

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    Adventure Marc Craste

    Jojo in the Stars

    Love traverses all obstacles in this award-winning animation about a circus performer and a lone admirer who hopes to free her.

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    Documentary Jonathan Jarvis

    The Crisis of Credit Visualized

    Millions have turned to this film to understand the complexities of the economic recession explained in the simplest form.

  • Interview

    Interview with AJ Bond

    AJ Bond, director of the Gut Check winning film, Hirsute, talks about Back to the Future and his "Many Martys" theory.

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    Sci‑Fi A.J. Bond


    A young time traveler is confronted by an arrogant and hairless future version of himself—the winner of Short of the Week's Gut Check Competition.

  • Interview

    Interview: Max Winston

    It's been over a year since we stopped getting in touch with filmmakers on a regular basis, and one of the things we got back from you readers before our redesign, was that you wanted that sad state of affairs to end. So it will.

  • SOTW

    Gut Check Ends

    Thanks to all the filmmakers who submitted their film to our online mini-festival. We received quite a few more entries than we really expected, so it was a big success.

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    Thriller Alex Merkin

    Across the Hall

    This taut two-part thriller stars Entourage's Adrian Grenier who on the phone must attempt to defuse a tense situation—his friend is camped out with a gun in the hotel room across from of his cheating lover.

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    Documentary Mark Gardener

    Paul Rand Film

    Design legend, Paul Rand, describes his philosophy as we watch his iconic work come to life in motion graphics.

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