Short of the Week

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    Experimental Wolfgang Lauenstein & Christoph Lauenstein


    **CURRENTLY OFFLINE** - From post-communist Germany comes this remarkable social experiment that serves as an allegory in explaining the fall of Soviet communism—all without uttering a single word.

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    Drama Thomas Leung

    Living in the Dark

    Often we can't appreciate something so close to us until it's taken from us—such is the case in this film when as a young boy, Thomas, temporarily loses his sight.

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    Drama Tony Comley


    Fluid collection of thoughts and moments strung together around the theme of desperately searching for something you've lost—all while on a plane that is nose-diving.

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    Thriller Trevor Sands


    This doctor has her work cut out for her as she struggles to resolve the conflicting voices inside the chaotic mind of a patient with multiple-personalities.

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    The Shock Doctrine

    "Literary trailer" for the book by the same name, this short, produced by "Children of Men" director Alfonso Cuarón, mixes archival footage as well nifty motion graphics to dramatize the book's thesis.

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    Far West

    A fun experiment in live entertainment with a surprise that more than pays off the slow buildup.

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    Dramedy Wes Anderson

    Hotel Chevalier

    Wes Anderson gives us a glimpse into the dysfunctional relationship between a hotel hermit and his ex-girlfriend served up with Anderson's no lack of quirkiness.

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    Drama Suzie Templeton


    **CURRENTLY OFFLINE** - BAFTA-winning claymation explores the suffocating atmosphere in a young boy's household, as he and his father must confront their dog's deteriorating condition.

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    Comedy Sharon Colman


    A tired badger battles with a pair of noisy crows for peaceful rest, but inadvertently falls into a much bigger mess when an underground missile station is placed underneath the badger's dwelling.

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