Short of the Week

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    Une Histoire Vertebrale

    Crippled with chiropractic problems, this sad, young fellow with big dreams struggles to meet that perfect someone that just fits.

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    Sci‑Fi John Coven

    Out There

    All is not what it seems in this psychological, sci-fi thriller with top-notch acting and production quality.

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    Adventure Meghana Bisineer

    A Journey Across Grandmother

    Simple ink animation of a child's imaginative journey across the surreal landscape of her grandmother.

  • Interview

    Interview with Tom Stern

    Tom Stern talks to us about the concept and inspiration for his film, The Autobiography of Tom Stern: Chapter Six, The New Science.

  • Interview

    Interview with Super Deluxe

    I had the chance to throw a few questions at Dan Pasternack, the man behind content programming at Super Deluxe, about Derek & Simon and how online entertainment is more "ballsy" than television.

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    Comedy Bob Odenkirk

    Derek & Simon: The Pity Card

    OFFLINE: With the Demise of SuperDeluxe, there are no legitimate copies online any longer. From the mind of Bob Odenkirk comes this very natural comedy about two real-life friends, Derek and Simon, and their struggle to find love.

  • Interview

    Interview with Kurt Nishimura (O Valencia!)

    How did you hear about the contest MTVU/Decemberists contest and what made you want to participate? I heard about The Decemberists contest from an e-newsletter that my school put out (The Art Institute of Portland). The deadline was like two weeks away, and I was seriously considering passing it by.

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    Music Video Kurt Nishimura

    O Valencia!

    Winner of the MTVU Decemberists' Green Screen Challenge, this short follows a young lady's unnatural obsession with an old TV set.

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