Short of the Week

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    Dark Comedy Sean Buckelew


    A malfunction at a CIA press event causes a Predator drone installed with an ethical AI personality to go rogue as it attempts to understand its purpose in the world.

  • Best of the Month

    Best of the Month: January 2023

    Oscar hopefuls and online premieres make up the S/W team's Best of the Month picks for January 2023

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    Documentary Danski Tang


    A daughter explores her mother’s abusive relationship with her father and how it shaped her experiences in a boarding school in China

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    Thriller Olivier Labonté LeMoyne

    Déjà vu

    A young woman meets with her best friend in a local diner to tell him about the fantasy she recently accomplished. But when a mysterious man enters, she is struck by a feeling of deja vu. Everything around her starts to resemble a nightmare she has had.

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    Dark Comedy Jesse Shamata

    A Simple F*cking Gesture

    While stuck in traffic, emotions escalate for a husband and wife when another driver doesn’t give them a "thank you wave" after they cut in.

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    Thriller Emma Josephson

    Bury Your Fish

    An isolated and lost young woman begins taking life directions based on cryptic Morse code from a mysterious flashing light

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    Drama Muhannad Lamin

    Prisoner and Jailer

    The story of two contrasting Libyans, through these two characters, we discover the circumstances surrounding one of the most influential events in modern Libyan history: The Abu Salim Prison Massacre.

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    Experimental Wang & Söderström

    Rehousing Technosphere

    On Earth in a distant future life forms adapt to a new planetary ecology.

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