Short of the Week

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    Drama Daniel Zvereff

    Life is a Particle Time is a Wave

    Broken, like the old watches he repairs, a widowed watchmaker spends his remaining days in solitude, distracting himself with repetitive activities to pass the time and attempt to ease his sadness.

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    Dark Comedy Amanda Forbis & Wendy Tilby

    The Flying Sailor

    When two ships collide in a harbor, a passing sailor is sent skyward and forced to contemplate the wonder and fragility of existence.

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    Dark Comedy Mattis Ohana Goksøyr

    Are You OK

    Sara experiences another woman's orgasm and gets a new view on life.

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    Dramedy Lauren Minnerath


    At a Christmas high school talent show, 17-year-old Clare tries to confront her teacher over a private matter, leading to unexpected consequences.

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    Musical Niki Lindroth von Bahr

    The Burden (Min Börda)

    In a market place, situated next to a freeway, the employees of the various commercial venues deal with boredom and existential anxiety by performing cheerful musical turns

  • Article

    2022: A Year of Short Films

    From alumni news to Oscar winners, take a look back at a year on Short of the Week

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    Documentary Maxim Arbugaev & Evgenia Arbugaeva


    A lone man waits in a hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic, he is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here every year, but ocean warming is taking its toll.

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