Short of the Week

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    Music Video Stéphane Berla

    King of Sea

    On the coast of Bretagne, a fisherman bids farewell to his family and sails off to sea, never to return... Years later his son goes in search for answers but finds something far more sinister than he ever imagined.

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    Documentary Colin Arisman & Tyler Wilkinson-Ray

    Finding Gulo

    "Finding Gulo" follows a backcountry ski guide & field biologist who attempt to document an elusive population of wolverines in Washington's Cascade Range. When our government fails to act, can citizen science save endangered wildlife from climate change?

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    Dark Comedy Kurt Andrew Schneider

    Notice Me

    Becky looks up from her phone and her world changes forever.

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    Drama Ebele Tate

    Kiss Chase

    When eleven year old Nadine is left out in a game of kiss chase, she realizes image is currency and her value is low. On a quest to feminize herself, she finds herself in an unexpected situation she is not prepared for.

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    Fantasy Eron Sheean

    The Rock of Ages

    While fleeing from his enemies a lost Soldier encounters a cunning talking Rock who promises to grant his deepest desire. But as always with these bargains, there’s a catch...

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    Documentary Titus Kaphar & Alex Mallis

    Shut Up and Paint

    Painter Titus Kaphar looks to film as a medium in the face of an insatiable art market seeking to silence his activism.

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    Documentary Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis


    **ONLINE FOR A LIMITED TIME** - Sabine is looking for a missing image: a day that has left its mark forever and that everyone remembers but her. But maybe this absence is what allows her to move on with her life?

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    Documentary Rayka Zehtabchi & Shaandiin Tome

    Long Line of Ladies

    A girl and her community prepare for her Ihuk, the once-dormant coming of age ceremony of the Karuk tribe of Northern California.

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    Experimental Bianca Poletti

    I Am Whole

    A coming of age story about the euphoria, and anxiety of losing your virginity. Finding your voice in a sea of pressure from your friends to social media, forcing youth to grow up too quickly.

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    Drama Peter Ferris Rosati


    Based on true events of loss and reincarnation.

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