Short of the Week

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    Dramedy Hannah Levin

    Golden Child

    A young woman is reunited with her childhood friend at a pool party and reckons with the fact that he used to pee on her when they were kids.

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    Drama Alexandra Qin


    On a road trip with her younger sister, Charlie struggles to hide a secret sex addiction (video link opens in new tab)

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    Drama Eloïse Alluyn & 5 Others


    A girl comes back home to an oppressive living room and throws up acrobats in front of her family.

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    Drama Charles Wahl


    Three interweaving stories show the vicious cycle of debt and desperation.

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    Drama Esteban Pedraza

    Bogotá Story

    A young mother must choose between her family and her dreams during a dark time in Colombia's history.

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    Sci‑Fi Marcus Anthony Thomas

    Space Plug

    Completely devoid of stimulation and social interaction except for a series of fluid-filled 'beings' that are birthed through the walls to provide vital sustenance, a baby human must survive in a blank white room in the middle of space.

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    Dark Comedy Tessa Moult-Milewska


    Curiosa tells the story of overly curious Mary, who visits her boyfriend's flat for the first time, only to discover it’s been stripped bare of all personal belongings. After being denied explanation, she climbs into his head.

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    Drama Kelly Pike

    Picture Day

    When a tomboy growing up on military bases starts (yet another) new school, one small act of rebellion has large reverberations at home forcing her to face harsh realities about gender, power, and finding your place in the world.

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    Dark Comedy Gareth Bowen

    The Licensed Fool

    A travelling court jester, known as The Licensed Fool, begins to unravel when he learns of a sinister motive behind him being hired for an upcoming performance.

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