Yeesh, I’m sure some of you are getting dispirited with the sheer number of short films to watch lately, but there is no let up. It’s the summer festival season, so here are 10 more for the queue, thanks to the National Film Board Canada and the Cannes Film Fest.
As the title suggests, this is a competition that has been going on for several years. We covered the last two incarnations, and the programming quality is high. NFB curators pluck 10 films that are taking part in the Cannes Short Film Corner, a huge film market that is an adjunct to the festival itself, and place them up on YouTube for voting by the public. The film with the highest cumulative score of “likes” (likes minus dislikes) will win. Past winners include stellar films films Sebastian’s Voodoo and last year’s Crash! Bang! Wallow?
I’ll try and update this post with thoughts on the films, but until then go check out the 10 films at the NFB’s competition page, or better yet, the YouTube playlist, since you can’t vote on the embeds at the NFB site.