We’re excited to announce a partnership with PBS Digital Studios (home of Off Book, the Idea Channel, Inventors, and other edutainment shows) to bring you a new show of curated short films on YouTube. Each episode will feature 3-5 curated shorts around a theme or trend in the world of innovative stories.

The first episode, Unconventional Zombie Films, features 4 great zombie flicks that re-envision the familiar genre in new, surprising ways. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get this and future episodes as they launch.

[iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PL68gfsJwBv3cezuNdmXD2Y4dUuRAJMVkf” frameborder=”0″ width=”640″ height=”360″]

SOTW Editor, Ivan Kander, will be your host and programmer. Got an idea for an episode? Share it with us in the comments below.
