You don’t need me to point out the extreme imbalance when it comes to the number of women in the film industry. Kathryn Bigelow earning the Oscar in 2010 for Hurt Locker might be a signal that times are changing, but for many they’re not moving fast enough particularly when compared to other arts like literature, theater, and music.
One area of filmmaking that’s been less partial toward women is animation. As a lover of animation, it’s not surprising that this list contains some of my all-time favorite shortsfrom Sharon Colman’s character comedy Badgered to Lizzi Akana’s bizarre world in Marvelous Keen Loony Bin, early favorites like Gaëlle Denis’ City Paradise and more recent films like Kirsten Lepore’s Bottle.
Ultimately, a film is judged on its own merits in story, technique, and impacta point even more true in the democratizing world of online film. These films need no special treatment.