Along with using our ‘Best of the Month’ post to provide you, our faithful audience, a quick way to catch up on what we believe were the truly exemplary films we featured on our site over the last 30-days or so, we also use this as a chance to look back and reflect over the shorts we picked. Is our offering from the last month living up to our promise of sharing the greatest and most innovative stories from around the world? Or have we strayed from our path a little?

Looking back at the 23 films we featured throughout May, it’s fair to say (IMHO) this was a good month for content on S/W. Missing out on the final list are some strong shorts – including personal favourite Wild Horses and the unforgettable Strange Company – and though this trio of films isn’t exactly what you’d call an “easy watch”, we believe there’s some seriously impressive filmmaking on show here.

I’m sure one or two of these shorts will even feature strongly in our ‘Best of the Year’ discussions.

Drama Parker Hill

Homing In

Joan is startled when she finds a strange man in her house, but the situations begins to feel all too familiar.

Experimental David Henry Gerson

All These Voices

Winner of the Student Academy Award. When a young Nazi SS soldier is discovered by a theater-troupe of survivors celebrating the end of WWII, he is forced to acknowledge his role in their grief.

Drama Lorraine Nicholson

Life Boat

Based on true events, “Life Boat” revolves around six teenagers who are led into an intriguing game of survival by their guidance counselor.

Watch past Best of the Month Selections


New Media Winners! | SOTW Awards 2013

Winner![php]playlist(9058);[/php] Last year saw interactive films finally come into their own as a format for real storytelling. This year, Bear 71 upped the ante with even more interactivity allowing viewers to navigate a map of security cameras as they track a bear across a wildlife refuge.