As you might have heard, Cannes is getting underway. While you don’t get to see any of the official competition films, Cannes does have this cool thing called the Short Film Corner, which is a get together of short film makers as an adjunct to the festival. Over 1400 short films are participating this year and via the NFB and Youtube’s participation, we all get to vote online for which of the ten finalists is our favorite. View the films via the NFB page. Polls are open till the 20th, though for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how to vote (help?).

Watch the Ten Finalists at: NFB’s Youtube Channel


Interview with Aneil Karia (BEAT)

Director Aneil Karia joins us to talk about the inspiration and production of his award-winning short 'BEAT' and give us an insight into what he's working on next.