Howdy everyone, Jason here. So you’ve been thinking about putting your short film online. Maybe it seems like the logical next step after a successful festival tour. Then again, maybe online is your tour. A few of you might have gotten the idea from Andrew’s article detailing our experience with The Thomas Beale Cipher. Still others of you have been online evangelists all along.

Whatever you hope to gain from placing your film online, the overwhelming reality for most content is anonymity. And it hurts! It’s an ego-hit to give your content freely only for it to not find a home.

We want to help.

We’re running a little experiment. We want to flex our muscles, and those of this community, to see if we can blast one single, remarkable, short film up to viral heaven. Do you watch the films we feature and regularly say “Gee, my film is better than that!”? Then send it to us for this Great Film Competition and we will proselytize the winner’s excellence to the world.

Sound good? You’ve got till the end of the month.


Atom Films, Now Strictly Comedy

A favorite short film host, Atom Films, has decided to narrow its once broad library of films to focus purely on comedy. It joins the likes of SuperDeluxe, Jib Jab, and FunnyOrDie—publishing original comedic web series and user-produced comedy films.