HBO Max has ordered a 12-episode season of Young Love – a series based on characters from the 2019 winner of the ‘Best Animated Short Film’ Oscar Hair Love. Original short creator Matthew A. Cherry will act as showrunner for the series, which will orbit around the young family originally introduced in the short.
“I am beyond excited to continue telling the story of Stephen, Angela and Zuri and further explore the family dynamics of a young Black millennial family we established in our short film Hair Love as an animated series”, Cherry reveals in a press release from HBO Max. With the short clocking-up over 35m views on YouTube alone, we’re sure fans of his original film share his excitement.
Promising a show filled with ‘comedy and heart’, Billy Wee (Senior Vice President of Original Animation at HBO Max) admits they were drawn to expand Cherry’s original short as it had “struck a chord that is still resonating deeply with audiences of all ages”. No release date for the series has been provided yet, but we’ll keep an eye out for further details as they emerge.