With the fourth and final film in the Hotel Transylvania franchise set for release in Summer 2021, Sony Pictures Animation have released five-minute short film Monster Pets online, in order to whet the appetite of fans. Set in the titular resort, the energetic piece follows owner Drac as he tries to find a playmate for his enormous dog Tinkles.
Synopsis: Drac’s lovable, monster-sized puppy, Tinkles, has more energy than ever and just wants to play ball! Unfortunately, Drac is too busy juggling his duties at the hotel, so he is determined to find a monster pet companion for his huge furry friend. After a series of mismatches, Drac’s plan goes awry when Tinkles chooses a very unlikely companion.
Aiming to “explore all the fun and lovable frustrations of pets through a monster lens”, Monster Pets was directed by Derek Drymon and Jennifer Kluska, who are also directing Hotel Transylvania 4 (and have hinted the pets may make an appearance in their feature). Whether you’re familiar with the franchise or not, Monster Pets is good ol’ fashioned fun for all the family.