Jossie Malis has been hard at work expanding the genius behind his original Bendito Machine to a larger audience. The striking visual style (dark silhouette shapes against brightly colored backgrounds), nuanced animation, and themes of western influence have been brought to 2 more episodes.


Part 2 takes us back to the same primitive tribe where corruption this time is brought by a sugary, bubbly soda that draws many comparisons to Coca-Cola (the most widely recognized brand around the world). Part 3 brings us the corruption of television.

I love how Jossie brings concrete visuals to the intangible world of spirits. I feel like he really puts you in the perspective of the culture without having to develop deep characters. Where I grew up in southwest Alaska, there is a belief that all things have a spirit. The delicate balance between man and nature is maintained through tradition and respect. Jossie’s Bendito Machine series captures this better than anything else I’ve seen.

Bendito Machine II – The Spark of Life


Bendito Machine III – Obey his commands


Watch Bendito Machine I on Short of the Week