Rob Munday / UK
Editor: Head of Content / @_RobMunday

Writing these ‘end of year’ lists can be tricky. Too often we’re influenced by what they say about us and end up writing the list that projects the perfect image or the list you feel makes you look most knowledgeable. This year I decided to take a slightly different approach.

So this list isn’t claiming to feature the ten best shorts we’ve featured on Short of the Week, but the ten films I was most excited to share on the site. The ten shorts I couldn’t stop talking about. The ten shorts that surprised me the most. The ten shorts I haven’t been able to get out of my head all year.

Sometimes as a curator you have to pander to the taste of your audience, but sometimes you just want to say f*ck it and pick the films you love.

Side note: here are some notable absentees from this list that are very good films, just on a personal level I can’t stomach any more films about technology (social media in particular), drugs and anything overly saccharine.

Rob’s Top 10 Shorts of 2017

Dramedy Andrew T. Betzer

I Turn to Jello

A metropolitan nightmare unfurls as a nervous cellist cracks under pressure at an audition—again, and again, and . . .

Drama Daniel Lundh

People in Cars

Take a car journey with director Daniel Lundh as he invites you to eavesdrop on some life-changing conversations

Drama Jared Anderson


A woman is shot and killed. What happens to her next is extraordinary in its ordinariness

Comedy Rory Waudby-Tolley

Mr Madila

A series of everyday metaphysical conversations—about the inner mind, the fabric of the universe, and the nature of reality itself—are revisited between the filmmaker and a gifted spiritual healer through the sacred art of animation.

Documentary Charlie Lyne

Fish Story

A search for the truth behind a fishy tale.

Documentary Patrick Bresnan

The Rabbit Hunt

In the Florida Everglades rabbit hunting is a rite of passage for young men, practiced since the early 1900s. The Rabbit Hunt follows a family as they hunt in the fields of an industrial sugar farm.

Experimental Alex Grigg

Born in a Void

A being born alone in a void becomes obsessed with its own reflection.

Horror Tim Egan


Clinging to a smooth, curved surface high above a sentient abyss, a girl tries to cover the few feet back to safety without losing purchase and falling to her death.

Documentary Douwe Dijkstra

Supporting Film

From the perspectives of a dozen diverse viewers, this 12 minute documentary short explores the peculiar ritual of watching film. How is the medium experienced by people with sensory impairments, strong religious beliefs, or lovesickness? A story about moving images and their audience.

Experimental Zia Anger

My Last Film

An exhilarating, freewheeling black comedy, Zia Anger’s latest short takes aim at the independent film scenes in NY and L.A.

Filmmaker Update

Bite Size Halloween: Behind the Short Films of 2021

Get in the mood for Spooky Season with our behind-the-scenes look at 20th Digital Studio's Bite Size Halloween - 18 genre shorts screened as part of Hulu's Huluween programming.