I’ve got some big news to share which is exciting for me personally, (evidenced by the post title), but which should be positive for the site and, by turn, you too.

A month ago I was offered, and accepted, the position of Curator at Vimeo. It meant a big life change as I had to uproot from Seattle and trek off to NYC, but I’ve now settled in, and this week started my new career at Vimeo HQ. With a couple of days under my belt, I figured it was well past time I let you in on the big secret too!

The Vimeo Office. That's my desk in front!

Accepting the job was a no-brainer for me, I have the highest admiration for Vimeo as a service, a community, and now as a company. Even before there was any talk of a job I was spending much of my day on the site working to program Short of the Week, and as a young enterprise with a ton of potential, I’m excited to fully help them realize it. The position of Curator entails doing a lot of what I was already doing for this site: watch a lot of videos (duh), discover and promote new talent, forge relationships with creators, audiences and brands, and help shape the future of curated web video.

If that seems worrisome to you faithful fans, never fear. I will continue to write and manage Short of the Week in my own time. The high-bar selectiveness of SotW and its editorial voice are unique on the web, and our mission to review plus contextualize short film and the larger online video landscape, is something I see as important. Thus SotW will remain a priority for me, as it naturally will remain important to Andrew and our great staff of contributors: MarBelle, Matthew, El Vez, Georg and Mr. Kohl. Vimeo has assured me of this site’s independence, so if a video is on, say…YouTube, but deserves featuring, then it will get featured. Full stop.

That said, most of SotW’s content comes from Vimeo already, so spending full-time hours working to uncover great short films on there can only be a boon to Short of the Week right? Also submitting to SotW just got that much more attractive, as I’m going to be directly helping to moderate both Vimeo Staff Channels. Woo Hoo!!!

Anyways, this is a good opportunity for me to thank you all for your support, appreciation and participation in Short of the Week. Your content, comments and emails have made this a project I have always looked forward to putting my time, effort and enthusiasm towards, and without this site there would be no Vimeo job. Thank you all, I assure you that Short of the Week’s best is still ahead of it, so let’s continue to grow together.


Jason Sondhi // Editor