From the video site we believe hosts some of the most impressive short films around, comes a much overdue official festival. And they’re going big. Open to all online videos everywhere (even YouTube), all you have to do is go to their submit page. The downside? It’ll cost you $20 per submission. You can, however, choose to nominate a film made by someone else, so conceivably you could have a friend nominate your film. Vimeo has managed to line up an impressive list of judges: David Lynch, Morgan Spurlock, and the list is growing.
Press Release:
The Vimeo Festival and Awards will be a celebration of the best original and creative video that has premiered online. Our goal is to reward the individual creators behind online video and acknowledge the internet as a quality medium of expression and distribution. And of course, we’re going to do it in style.The awards will be open to anyone who has premiered their work on any online platform. This isn’t just a Vimeo thing, it’s a video thing, and we’re opening it up to everyone. The festival will then highlight the best of online video in an exciting offline environment for all to attend. We’re cooking up some pretty cool stuff for these events, folks, and we can’t wait to tell you more about our plans.