Ponderosa Productions

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    Drama Lorcan Finnegan


    A young couple trapped in a remote estate of empty houses and shrieking foxes are beckoned from their isolation into a twilight world.

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    Drama Effie Pappa

    My Stuffed Granny

    Little Sofía loves her grumpy granny: even though she is always hungry and eats what little food they can buy. Her pension is the only thing keeping her and her father alive. To what extremes will they go to once granny is no more?

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    Documentary Victoria Mapplebeck

    Missed Call

    How do you reconnect with a father who’s been gone for most of your life… what do you say, what do you write? Victoria Mapplebeck returns to S/W with the follow-up to her deeply personal short film '160 Characters'

  • Festival

    A Look Back at ANIMA 2019

    Alex Dudok de Wit was on the ground at Belgium's top animation festival. Here are his impressions, and a sneak peak at the animated shorts that will be getting buzz in 2019.

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    Documentary Sean Dunne

    Stray Dawg

    Jonny Corndawg, prolific underground country singer, marathon runner. Another portrait of an eccentric character by the acclaimed Sean Dunne.

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    Thriller Will Lowell


    A run-in at a roadside bar between a repressed boy and a desperate girl leads to a dangerous exploration of their darker impulses.

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    Comedy Eli Shapiro

    Ike Interviews God

    A timid insurance clerk named Ike is our only hope of convincing God to halt the impending apocalypse.

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    Horror Blake Mawson


    Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16 year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT Propaganda Law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.

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    Thriller Jérémy Clapin


    A boy makes an unusual new friend on a hunting trip with his father. Animator Jeremy Clapin's followup to his 2009 SotW Best Short of the Year.

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