Sean Wing

  • Filmmaker Update

    Filmmaker Updates: December 2020

    From high-profile Christmas ads to box-office features, we take a look at the exciting new projects from filmmakers previously featured on Short of the Week

  • Article

    Oscar Short Film Trends

    From the rise of the celebrity exec producer to the dwindling dominance of Animation's big studios, these are the Oscar short films trends you need to know about.

  • News

    Oscar Winners 2013

    The votes have been tallied and the little golden man has found his way into the hands of three happy filmmakers. We're especially proud of former SOTW honoree Shawn Christensen (Brink).

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    Experimental Alex Grigg

    Born in a Void

    A being born alone in a void becomes obsessed with its own reflection.

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    Adventure Nata Metlukh

    Pura Vida

    A vacation to Costa Rica quickly gets messy for four flawed friends

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    Documentary Danski Tang


    A daughter explores her mother’s abusive relationship with her father and how it shaped her experiences in a boarding school in China

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    Drama Luke Gilford


    Starring Pamela Anderson, Dree Hemingway and featuring the voice of Jane Fonda, 'Connected' is a portrait of a woman grappling with aging, self-perception, and transformation in a technologically optimized world.

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    Horror Jayden Rathsam Hua

    Sushi Noh

    Consigned to the care of her lonely uncle, nine-year-old Ellie encounters a bizarre sushi-vomiting kitchen appliance, triggering an avalanche of vibrant nightmares that seep into reality. (Video Opens in New Window)

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