REAL Skateboards

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    Adventure Uli Meyer

    The Duck

    A real-life duck turns into a cartoon and decides to become a super hero in this nostalgic 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' styled animation.

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    Dramedy Natasza Cetner


    A short film based on the true story of Nigel, the lonely gannet of Mana Island who hopelessly fell in love with a concrete statue. His tragic tale of idealisation and delusion shows us a reflection of our own misconceptions in love.

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    Drama Edgar Morais and Lucas Elliot Eberl

    We Won't Forget

    A woman's frustrations boil to the surface while hosting a party for her friends, culminating in a public freakout that turns into collective hysteria.

  • Interview

    Interview: San Francisco Film Festival Shorts Directors

    Making a great short film requires a certain kind of alchemy; because there are no hard-set rules in regards to running time, subject matter, or even medium, filmmakers traverse a tricky path on the road to festival -- and online audience -- acceptance. I was lucky enough to sit down at the San Francisco International Film Festival with a few of the shorts filmmakers that were in attendance and get insight into their process, ask what lessons they learned on their latest productions, and find out what they believe makes a good short film.

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    Comedy Bianca Giaever & Rachel Antonoff


    An internet breakout filmmaker + a rising fashion designer with tons of celeb friends = an adorable fashion film about love.

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    Sci‑Fi George Metaxas


    The last two inhabitants of a space station have to decide whether to save themselves or the lives of everyone on the last outpost in our solar system, Uranus City.

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    Comedy Josh Crockett & Daniel Sinclair

    Dinner with Holly

    A young couple has a big plan to spice up their love life when their friend, Holly, comes over for dinner.

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    Dramedy Rachel Israel

    Keep the Change

    A young man with autism is forced to attend a support group that leads to an unexpected connection.

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